Wednesday, January 29, 2020

COLD BATH - What is it, uses of cold bath, benefits of cold bath!

Imagine, taking a bath in chilled water or the water filled with ice cubes all-round, irrespective of any season. What would be the excitement? Obviously, it would feel very pleasant when its summertime, and it would feel worse when it is wintertime. But it is very beneficial for physical workers or athletes or bodybuilders in every season.


Very common workout injuries like swelling, bleeding, inflammation can be easily recovered by ice or ultimate ICE BATH. An ice bath can also help in normalizing the soreness of muscles after a heavy workout. It is also known as cold-water immersion. An ice bath is a form of cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is a pain treatment technique that uses the method of localized freezing temperatures to deaden an irritated nerve. In the ice bath, a person is made to sit or lay down in a tub full of water and ice mixup. With his lower regions below the chest, dipped into the tub. Staying in the environment for 15 to 20 minutes is sufficient for maximum benefits. Many experts say that it is very difficult to practice an ice bath in the beginning. In the beginning, the chill is irresistible but after being there for 3 to 4 minutes makes it a bit comfortable.


Understanding the working of a cold bath is simple biology. As in lower temperatures, most things contract while in higher temperatures maximum things expand. So when a person is in the tub during the ice bath or cold bath, the temperature is lower. This makes the blood vessels contract and high blood pressure is maintained throughout the body. This helps in blood rush throughout the body and more oxygen and blood supplement throughout the body. Which ultimately unblocks the stagnant fluids in the body and hence cleaning the blood.


  • Reducing muscle soreness and muscle aches:   According to some of the experts, a cold bath after an intense workout can help in reducing muscle soreness and muscle aches. It makes you feel very good and relaxed and hence leading to a very productive sleep.

  • Withstanding stress: This one benefit is very similar to learning from experience. Taking frequent cold bath trains your body to withstand very extreme conditions. It helps in training the body's nervous system to be less sensitive to extreme conditions. Which will make you face very critical situations easily and more adequately.

  • Anti-inflammatory agent:  Ice bath is very helpful in reducing inflammation. Inflammation is usually an indication that the body is fighting to something harmful to make your body fit. So, in this condition, a cold bath accelerates the healing factor of your body by reducing the inflammation. It helps in faster recovery.

  • Strengthening the central nervous system: Cold bath is very useful in strengthening the central nervous system. Since the cold bath decreases fatigue and provides you a very peaceful sleep. Which makes your mind very fresh and makes you feel better. Hence improving your response time and concentration power.

  • Heat and burn reduction: Cold bath during the summer season is very beneficial. It is very productive for athletes and bodybuilders. Because during an extreme summer heavy workouts can cause heat and burns in different body parts. Significant cold baths can reduce post-workout burns and heat. Pre-workout cold baths are also preferable. Because a cold bath before the workout can improve your performance and make your workout session more productive.

Cold baths can be taken at any time, depends on the season and body adaptability. If it is summer season, then it can be taken either before the workout or after the workout or at any time of the day. But if it is winter season, then taking a cold bath during the evening or night time can cause severe health issues.
Cold baths can be taken at any time depending on the workout. It can be taken pre-workout or post-workout depends on the situations and conditions and benefits and side effects.

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