Friday, January 18, 2019

Chest workout: Best chest workout routine and exercises.

1. Barbell bench press for chest:
                      Bench press for chest has many variations concentrating and squeezing different regions of chest such as: Flat bench press for middle chest region, Incline bench press for upper chest region and Decline bench press for lower chest regions.

incline barbell bench press
decline barbell bench press

plane barbell bench press

2. Dumbbell press for chest:
                             Dumbbell press for chest also has many variations which includes working of upper, lower and middle chest same as barbell bench press. Plane bench dumbbell chest press for middle chest, Incline dumbbell chest press for upper chest and Decline dumbbell chest press for lower chest.

plane bench dumbbell chest press

incline bench dumbbell chest press
3. Machine butterfly for chest:
                                       It is a very useful exercise for chest as it provides proper shape to the chest. It increases your chest size and reduces the flabbiness. Butterfly machine focuses on almost every part of chest.
machine butterfly for chest

4. Weighted chest dips:

                                   It is the most killer exercise for chest. Most of the time the beginners, or who are not usually used to this exercise find it very difficult to perform. But this exercise is one of the most effective chest exercises and activates the side chest muscles.
weighted chest dips
5. Chest cable flys:

                                 This exercise is very beneficial in pumping your entire chest from every angle and range. Different angle of this sets emphasizes different parts of chest, that is, upper, middle and lower. The upward angle emphasizes the upper chest, the lower angle emphasizes the lower chest and middle angle emphasizes the middle chest.
chest cable fly

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Most of the latest gymmers and bodybuilders are very tensioned that they cannot feel/experience the growth or muscle gain in spite of continuously exercising and working out. So, what is the actual reason; it can be, they don't care proper form or they don't have muscle mind connection or not practicing progressive overload. Challenging yourself would be the most important key point in bodybuilding for progressive results.
One of the most common reason for not achieving good results is performing the same routine, same exercises and with same sets ,reps and volume everyday in the gym, is it not so boring. Most of the beginners fear lifting heavy or increasing the weight from which he had done last because of pain and uncomfortability during recovery period. When you fell pain remember you are progressing.

So, in this article I am going to discuss the most common mistake which decline the achievement of required result, that is, progressive overload.
Progressive overload is one of the most important technique which can be and is used to make better size gain and strength development. It is similar to challenging yourself with greater risk to your next level every time.

What is progressive overload?
This technique simply states that in order to make muscle gains and strength development just increase the work done by the muscles or make the particular muscles work harder than the last time. As human beings become harder and stronger by the experiences. These are also called resistance training.

Let's assume you are performing plane bench chest press and you lifted 20 kgs in your first set. Hence, your chest will grow to this extent and is capable of experiencing the muscle stress produced by this weight. So, know are you going to lift the same weight in the next set or what?
If you lift same weight, it becomes useless hence no gains. You need to lift heavier than the last sets and more heavier in the next set and correspondingly.
This is actually what is progressive overload or resistance training.

Progressive overload has many advantages including, proper muscle gains, strength development, fat loss, body shredding, etc.

Also see:

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Muscle Building- free bodybuilding plans

Get better results in the beginning of your bodybuilding career by the help of this article prepared by proper observation and examination of most common problems faced by the beginners in starting their bodybuilding journey. Because of the beginners have no knowledge or very less knowledge about bodybuilding and how to start their training plan, i prepare this article. Most of the beginners decide to join a gym or decide to start working out with a proper motto and reason but having a lack of knowledge about it makes him demotivated and he usually tend to leave without being started properly.

Hence, if you are a beginner or new to the world of working out and gymming then my blog support you with all the knowledge and articles which would help in tackling the problems created by less know about dieting and workout plans. If you don't have any mentor or any partner or friend to help you with all the gym know abouts then my blog can make you good enough and achieve your goals for which you decided to join a gym....

So, here is the best workout plan you can follow in the first phase of your bodybuilding journey.
Normally, in the beginning one needs to concentrate on learning the proper form of different exercises and developing strength to different major body parts such as, shoulders, four arms, lower back, etc.

Working out maximum five days a week can be the most beneficial training program for beginners.
These five days you are going to train different major body parts separately, that is,
Monday- Chest
Tuesday- Back
Wednesday- Arms
Thursday- Shoulders
Friday- Legs
Saturday and Sunday- Rest

Here are the exercises that you can perform for training particular parts on their appointed days:


1. Push ups- 4 sets with at least 10 reps (maximum in numbers if seems difficult)
2. Barbell chest press- 4 sets from lightest weight for the person with increasing weights to heaviest he can lift.
3. Dumbbell chest incline bench press-4 sets with increasing weight.
4. Dips for chest on dip station- 4 sets.


1. Chin ups- 4 sets
2. Front lat pull downs- 4 sets with increasing weights.
3. Seated cable rows- 4 sets with increasing weights.
4. Hyper-extensions - 4 sets.


1. Barbell bicep curls- 4 sets with increasing weights.
2. Dumbbell biceps curls- 4 sets with increasing weights.
3. Hammer curls- 4 sets with increasing weights.

1. Triceps pushdowns- 4 sets with increasing weight.
2. EZ bar skullcrusher- 4 sets with increasing weights.
3. One arm dumbbell triceps extension- 4 sets with increasing weight.

In case you don't have much time on arms day you can perform some of your arms exercises on other days also..


1. Barbell shoulder press: 4 sets with increasing weight.
2. Dumbbell shoulder press- 4 sets with increasing weight.
3. Dumbbell Lateral side raises- 4 sets with increasing weight.
4. Dumbbell front raises- 4 sets with increasing weight.


1. Barbell squats- 4 sets with increasing weight
2. Leg press- 4 sets with increasing weight.
3. Dumbbell Lunges- 4 sets with increasing weight.
4. Calf Raises

I would be preparing many more workout plans for you in the coming time stay tuned.......

Also see:

Friday, January 11, 2019


First of all, what is a steroid? It is a drug, yes, a medical drug. A steroid is a biologically active organic compound. A steroid is not a dietary product. Steroid is a very dangerous product and has so many side effects.
So, if someone recommends you for taking steroid, first confirm if he holds some medical degrees or has done his studies in medical sciences. A trainer can be a sports trainer if he holds a sports trainer certificate, he can be a sports nutritionist if he holds a nutritionist certificate. Therefore, the professionals from a particular field can only recommend the stuffs from his field only. A trainer cannot recommend a medical stuff or drugs in which he don't have any knowledge.
A drug can only be recommended by a person who has better knowledge and certificates in medical sciences.

Like every drug, steroids also have a lots of side effects. So, be careful before taking it. If someone suggests to take steroids never believe or accept unless he holds any medical certifications. And you can meet a doctor or medical associate or MD holder, in regards to it and discuss either to take or not. If a trainer or sports nutritionist recommends steroids then ask him to design your nutrition chart and your workout chart rather than recommending for taking steroids.

Now a days, taking steroids has been considered a shortcut to bodybuilding but it is not really. Taking steroids provides more harm than benefits.

Without doctor recommendation it should not be taken as it can be very risky.
Only a sports trainer who holds medical degrees such as , MD, Dr.MuD, etc... can recommend taking of steroids to their clients.

BE Careful........

Thursday, January 10, 2019

AEROBIC EXERCISES- Definition, benefits and examples.

Aerobic Exercises- Definition:

Aerobic exercises are physical exercises of low to high intensity that primarily depends on the aerobic energy-generating processes. Aerobic literally means involvement of excess oxygen to fill up the quick energy requirement by the body during exercises via aerobic metabolism.

Normally, these exercises can be performed from low intensity to gradually increase the intensity.
The best examples of aerobic exercises are medium to long-distance running or jogging, swimming, cycling and walking. These exercises are well known for increasing the cardio muscular activities and hence increasing blood circulation throughout the body.

Aerobic vs Anaerobic exercises:

These two types of exercises generally differ by the duration and intensity of muscular contractions involved, as well as by how energy is generated within the muscle.
According to the recent researches, both aerobic and anaerobic exercises promote the secretion of myokines, which provides benefits including growth of new tissue, tissue repair, and various anti-inflammatory functions, which in turn reduces the development of various inflammatory diseases.
Myokines are usually secreted due to muscle contraction.

Aerobic exercises stimulate the heart rate and breathing to increase but not so much that one can't sustain. Aerobic means "with oxygen" and anaerobic means "without oxygen". Anaerobic exercise is the type where you get out of breath in just a few moments, for example, lifting heavy weights, sprinting, or climbing a long flight of stairs.

While dancing, swimming, biking, walking, kick-boxing, performing cardio using machines in gym(treadmill, elliptical, bike, etc) are examples of aerobic exercises; but they can be anaerobic if they are performed very intensely.

Aerobic Exercises- Benefits:

Aerobic exercises have a large number of benefits. According to the researches, Aerobic exercises hold the greatest number of benefits as compared to any other type of exercise. The different benefits of aerobic exercises are:
- Habitual practice of these exercises may lead to a gradual increase in the total number of red blood cells in the human body, facilitating better transport of oxygen throughout the body.
- It results in improved mental health, also helps in reducing stress and reducing the incidence of depression.
- It also helps in reducing the risk of diabetes as performing aerobic exercises may lead to a decrease in fat levels.
- Aerobic exercises also help in improving circulation efficiency and reducing blood pressure.
- It also helps in strengthening the muscle involved in respiration.
- Performing aerobic exercises can also help in increasing body flexibility and strengthening the muscles involved in performing these exercises, for example, legs and core being trained while running, cycling and cardio exercises.
- Aerobic exercises also help in the increased storage of energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscles.
- It also helps in increasing the ability of muscles to use fats during exercises.
- Aerobic exercises also help in lower muscular development, for example, thigh growth by cycling.

Most of the aerobic exercises involve full body workout rather than isolated workouts.

Aerobic Exercises- Examples:

The best examples of Aerobic Exercises include cardio related exercises, running, jogging, jumping, cycling, swimming, etc.