Saturday, January 12, 2019

Muscle Building- free bodybuilding plans

Get better results in the beginning of your bodybuilding career by the help of this article prepared by proper observation and examination of most common problems faced by the beginners in starting their bodybuilding journey. Because of the beginners have no knowledge or very less knowledge about bodybuilding and how to start their training plan, i prepare this article. Most of the beginners decide to join a gym or decide to start working out with a proper motto and reason but having a lack of knowledge about it makes him demotivated and he usually tend to leave without being started properly.

Hence, if you are a beginner or new to the world of working out and gymming then my blog support you with all the knowledge and articles which would help in tackling the problems created by less know about dieting and workout plans. If you don't have any mentor or any partner or friend to help you with all the gym know abouts then my blog can make you good enough and achieve your goals for which you decided to join a gym....

So, here is the best workout plan you can follow in the first phase of your bodybuilding journey.
Normally, in the beginning one needs to concentrate on learning the proper form of different exercises and developing strength to different major body parts such as, shoulders, four arms, lower back, etc.

Working out maximum five days a week can be the most beneficial training program for beginners.
These five days you are going to train different major body parts separately, that is,
Monday- Chest
Tuesday- Back
Wednesday- Arms
Thursday- Shoulders
Friday- Legs
Saturday and Sunday- Rest

Here are the exercises that you can perform for training particular parts on their appointed days:


1. Push ups- 4 sets with at least 10 reps (maximum in numbers if seems difficult)
2. Barbell chest press- 4 sets from lightest weight for the person with increasing weights to heaviest he can lift.
3. Dumbbell chest incline bench press-4 sets with increasing weight.
4. Dips for chest on dip station- 4 sets.


1. Chin ups- 4 sets
2. Front lat pull downs- 4 sets with increasing weights.
3. Seated cable rows- 4 sets with increasing weights.
4. Hyper-extensions - 4 sets.


1. Barbell bicep curls- 4 sets with increasing weights.
2. Dumbbell biceps curls- 4 sets with increasing weights.
3. Hammer curls- 4 sets with increasing weights.

1. Triceps pushdowns- 4 sets with increasing weight.
2. EZ bar skullcrusher- 4 sets with increasing weights.
3. One arm dumbbell triceps extension- 4 sets with increasing weight.

In case you don't have much time on arms day you can perform some of your arms exercises on other days also..


1. Barbell shoulder press: 4 sets with increasing weight.
2. Dumbbell shoulder press- 4 sets with increasing weight.
3. Dumbbell Lateral side raises- 4 sets with increasing weight.
4. Dumbbell front raises- 4 sets with increasing weight.


1. Barbell squats- 4 sets with increasing weight
2. Leg press- 4 sets with increasing weight.
3. Dumbbell Lunges- 4 sets with increasing weight.
4. Calf Raises

I would be preparing many more workout plans for you in the coming time stay tuned.......

Also see:

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