Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Lat pull down form, variations:

This exercise has many variations. Some of the most common and effective lat pull down variations are:

- Wide grip lat pull down: Wide grip is best in increasing the width of the back and for overall back strength.

- Behind the neck lat pull down: This set is most suited for those who have stronger shoulders and do not suffer with shoulder or neck injuries. This variation is performed by holding the rod and taking it to the back of the neck not too deep correspondingly squeezing and relaxing the entire back. This variation has more risk to injuries.

- V-bar pull down: This exercise usually trains the middle back or center of the back, still training your lats. This set is very useful in strength training.

- Reverse close grip lat pull down: In this, the lat pull down bar is hold with the palm finger grip facing you and close grip is best suited for this exercise. It is similar to how we grip in chin ups. This exercises activated the center of the back and lattissimus dorsi portions.

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