Thursday, April 11, 2019

Deadlift workout for beginners, importance, types and variations.

             First of all, if you don't have deadlift in your plan then you need to add it for sure. The reason why you need to add deadlifts into your plan, I m going to discuss it in this article.
                    If you want to add slabs of muscles in your body if you want to develop explosive strength and power to your body. And also if you want to develop an impressible physique. Then, performing deadlifts will bring you greater confidence.
                   Deadlifts are by virtue considered as the "Father of all strength building exercises". It is the most effective compound exercise for developing strength throughout the major body parts. Deadlifts add more mass to the body. It is also called by "The king of Mass Builders".
                     Deadlifts increase the upper body as well as lower body strength. It strengthens the lower back, glutes, abdominal region, etc.
The different reasons for performing deadlifts are :
- It requires minimum pieces of equipment. Just a rod and the number of plates according to weight is sufficient.
- Deadlifts provide stability to the upper regions of the body. It helps us to maintain proper posture. It enables straight back and a strong core.
- It is very useful in real life activities like lifting furniture, heavy bucket, etc. Deadlifts are very useful as it enables comfortable lifting of different things from the ground at any angle. It also helps in a decreased rate of injury during daily life activities.
- Deadlifts also help in developing gripping strength. Because holding the rod throughout the lift is an important factor in deadlifts. So, it strengthens the grip.
- It is the better and finest test check the overall strength of a person.

Types/ Variations of Deadlift:

There are various types of deadlifts according to their effectiveness and body part affected:

1.Sumo deadlifts: 

   In this type of deadlift, the feet are placed wider. The feet is placed usually wider than the shoulder, the grip is placed in the middle on the inner side of the legs. This type is very beneficial for developing strengths in beginner bodybuilders and also to a person suffering from back injury. No doubt, it is one of the best to develop overall strength. This type of deadlifts greatly affects the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

2.Romanian deadlifts:

   These are also known as stiffed legged deadlifts. In this type, the legs are usually stiffed narrower than any other types. Romanian deadlifts greatly affect the back of your legs and glutes. These deadlifts activate the Hamstrings and glutes. In this, you should not fold the legs throughout the set as this will decrease the involvement of hamstring.

3.Snatch grip deadlifts:

   The snatch grip deadlift is an Olympic exercise. In this, the grip is wide. You have to hold the rod wide and lift and the legs remaining neutral. Snatch grip deadlift greatly affects the upper back, glutes, hamstrings, forearms, etc.

4.Deficit deadlifts:

   In this type of deadlift, the only variation is that you have to place the legs on a raised position. The raised position can be on one or two plates and performing deadlift. You can keep the grip and placement of legs in a neutral position. It greatly affects the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, etc.

5.Chains and bands deadlifts:

   In this type of deadlifts, you just add more weight to the barbell with the help of chains and bands. This is useful in testing the strength when you have no plates left in the gym.

6.Zercher deadlifts:

  This is the special type of deadlift and is one of my favorites. Zercher deadlifts can be very useful when your partner is absent. This is also a very risky type of deadlift. To perform this, you should have strong forearms and back. And also I can say that it strengthens the forearms, entire back and also the lower body parts. This greatly affects and activates the traps, strengthen the abs, glutes, quads and also the biceps.
  In Zercher deadlifts, we place the barbell on our forearms and perform squats. I will deeply discuss this deadlift in my upcoming posts.

7.Hack Lift: 

  We can also call it as reverse deadlifts because in normal deadlifts the barbell is placed in front but in hack lift, the barbell is placed at the back. The placement of the legs and arm grip is normal. Hack lift greatly affects the quads and strengthen it.

8.Jefferson deadlift:

  This type of deadlift in a very risky one. So, it will be better to first learn the proper form then do this. Same way, it is also a very effective type and is very beneficial. Hence, performing this with the right form can benefit you greatly.

You can also get more information about deadlifts by clicking on this link ( deadlifts).

But, keep in mind the selection of a particular exercise or a variation or a type completely depends on your comfort. The exercise which suits the best is the best for you. The exercises which provide injuries to you should not be performed, in any case.

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