Wednesday, January 29, 2020

COLD BATH - What is it, uses of cold bath, benefits of cold bath!

Imagine, taking a bath in chilled water or the water filled with ice cubes all-round, irrespective of any season. What would be the excitement? Obviously, it would feel very pleasant when its summertime, and it would feel worse when it is wintertime. But it is very beneficial for physical workers or athletes or bodybuilders in every season.


Very common workout injuries like swelling, bleeding, inflammation can be easily recovered by ice or ultimate ICE BATH. An ice bath can also help in normalizing the soreness of muscles after a heavy workout. It is also known as cold-water immersion. An ice bath is a form of cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is a pain treatment technique that uses the method of localized freezing temperatures to deaden an irritated nerve. In the ice bath, a person is made to sit or lay down in a tub full of water and ice mixup. With his lower regions below the chest, dipped into the tub. Staying in the environment for 15 to 20 minutes is sufficient for maximum benefits. Many experts say that it is very difficult to practice an ice bath in the beginning. In the beginning, the chill is irresistible but after being there for 3 to 4 minutes makes it a bit comfortable.


Understanding the working of a cold bath is simple biology. As in lower temperatures, most things contract while in higher temperatures maximum things expand. So when a person is in the tub during the ice bath or cold bath, the temperature is lower. This makes the blood vessels contract and high blood pressure is maintained throughout the body. This helps in blood rush throughout the body and more oxygen and blood supplement throughout the body. Which ultimately unblocks the stagnant fluids in the body and hence cleaning the blood.


  • Reducing muscle soreness and muscle aches:   According to some of the experts, a cold bath after an intense workout can help in reducing muscle soreness and muscle aches. It makes you feel very good and relaxed and hence leading to a very productive sleep.

  • Withstanding stress: This one benefit is very similar to learning from experience. Taking frequent cold bath trains your body to withstand very extreme conditions. It helps in training the body's nervous system to be less sensitive to extreme conditions. Which will make you face very critical situations easily and more adequately.

  • Anti-inflammatory agent:  Ice bath is very helpful in reducing inflammation. Inflammation is usually an indication that the body is fighting to something harmful to make your body fit. So, in this condition, a cold bath accelerates the healing factor of your body by reducing the inflammation. It helps in faster recovery.

  • Strengthening the central nervous system: Cold bath is very useful in strengthening the central nervous system. Since the cold bath decreases fatigue and provides you a very peaceful sleep. Which makes your mind very fresh and makes you feel better. Hence improving your response time and concentration power.

  • Heat and burn reduction: Cold bath during the summer season is very beneficial. It is very productive for athletes and bodybuilders. Because during an extreme summer heavy workouts can cause heat and burns in different body parts. Significant cold baths can reduce post-workout burns and heat. Pre-workout cold baths are also preferable. Because a cold bath before the workout can improve your performance and make your workout session more productive.

Cold baths can be taken at any time, depends on the season and body adaptability. If it is summer season, then it can be taken either before the workout or after the workout or at any time of the day. But if it is winter season, then taking a cold bath during the evening or night time can cause severe health issues.
Cold baths can be taken at any time depending on the workout. It can be taken pre-workout or post-workout depends on the situations and conditions and benefits and side effects.

Do comment your views on my articles, if you are satisfied and like this post!! Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Shoulder workout in bodybuilding- Shoulder full workout, Trap workout.

Shoulder workout:

The shoulder is one of the most important body parts which we have to train. The shoulder is the part that is included or involved in every workout we perform. For example, in chest workout, if you don't have a stronger shoulder you will not be able to do bench press with heavier weights hence no serious gains. So training of every part is dependent on the shoulder. Although the shoulder is a tougher one to train, it is very beneficial. It provides strength to other body parts. 
    If you have a stronger shoulder then you become able to keep heavier weight on your shoulder in doing squats. If you have weaker shoulder then you will feel difficult and a cut on it if you try to put heavy for squats. So, here I present to you the best shoulder workout sets to add strength and size to it.

Shoulder workout- Full workout:

The shoulder workout completely focuses on the upper part of your body. This includes shaping and widening of collar, neck, posterior, anterior and lateral deltoid parts of the shoulder. The shoulders give an interactive look when you wear any dress.
Below given are the best and most effective workouts of the shoulder which involves strengthening and widening major parts of it.

Barbell Overhead Press:

 Barbell overhead press is a compound exercise. If it is a compound exercise then it is itself a very effective one. It is very useful in increasing strength and power development. Barbell overhead press is a very explosive type of set. It trains the entire shoulder activating the chest, arms, etc.
        This can be performed by holding a bar with sufficient weight at the atop of your upper chest. After that, pressing the barbell apart from your body over the head squeezing the parts of the shoulder. The barbell shoulder press can be done through the back and front of the head. When it is through back it is called barbell back press and when it is through front then it is called barbel front press. The back and front are usually the variations of the Barbell overhead press.
You can know more about the barbell overhead press by clicking on this link ( barbell overhead press ).

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press:

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder is a very useful exercise set for shoulder development and development of strength and muscle in the upper part of the body. It is seated because it reduces the pressure in the lower body regions. It is very useful in crushing the head shoulder regions.
        Dumbell press is very useful for beginners as it is comparatively easier than the barbell press. And also if you have imbalanced strength in your arms then to balance up the strength in both the arms using dumbbells can help you better.
        Performing a dumbbell press is very easy. You can do it single handed or double handed. Just sit on a bench holding the dumbbells of comfort weight. And press it in the anti-gravitational direction overhead. Squeezing the entire part you can feel in performing dumbbell shoulder is very beneficial in doing this set with proper form.
You can know more about the shoulder press visiting this site (shoulder press ).

Dumbbell Lateral Raises:
Dumbbell lateral raises activates the middle portion of the shoulder. It shapes and strengthens the middle part of the shoulder. It also helps in strengthening arms, chest and upper back.
These can also be single handed or double handed. It is done by holding the dumbbell on the hands and raising the hands sideways or laterally apart from the body activating the shoulders. This set is also very useful in shoulder development. You can get detailed information about lateral raises by visiting this site (shoulder lateral raises ).

Front Dumbbell Raises:

It is also a very effective shoulder workout set. It works the anterior head of deltoids which gives a shredded appearance to the shoulder.
You can perform the front dumbbell raises by taking a pair of dumbbells in the hand and raising it in the front of your face.  Feeling the muscle worked and squeezing the shoulder parts can lead to a better form of this set.

Do comment your views on my articles, if you are satisfied and like this post!! Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, April 27, 2019

ANAEROBIC EXERCISES- Definition, Benefits and Examples,


Anaerobic Exercises- Definition

Anaerobic means without oxygen. So, anaerobic exercises are the exercises that result in resisting in oxygen supply. That is, working to the extent that the muscle fails to receive enough oxygen. In the anaerobic exercise, we perform an exercise that involves the maximum use of strength and energy in a very short time. Anaerobic exercises are usually used for strength development and bodybuilding. Anaerobic exercises are also when we perform the aerobic exercises at very high intensity including the 90% use of heart rate.

Anaerobic Exercises- Benefits

There are many benefits of anaerobic exercises.

- Fat Loss:

Anaerobic exercises are very useful in fat loss and losing weight. Since in these exercises, maximum use of strength and energy is required and it results in rapid fat loss. For example, performing deadlifts results in fat loss by the use of energy generated by the burning of fats.

- Muscle Building:

Anaerobic exercises are also very beneficial in muscle building. Because performing several anaerobic exercises can result in muscle building and development. Fast, explosive, quick bursting of an exercise set can result in breakage of muscle fibers. These muscle fibers when fed and goes into resting state and recovers, result in bigger muscle size and more strong muscles than the last session.

- Increased Muscle strength:

Performing anaerobic exercises also results in an increase in overall muscle strength. Due to the unique habit of the human body of becoming used with the habits and situations faced by it. The body becomes strong and able to withstand the stress the next time once it experiences the stress. For example, if you lift a weight of 10 kgs today, then possibly when you train the same in the next week. The weight of 10 kgs becomes easier or light for you. So, this way you become strong.

- Increased endurance:

As Anaerobic exercises are very effective physical exercises, it also helps us in withstanding different physical inabilities and diseases. A consistent practice of anaerobic exercises greatly helps in advancing endurance abilities.

Anaerobic Exercises- Examples:

There is a large number of ways and exercises to go anaerobic, which you can perform to achieve an outstanding physical level. 
  • Lunges: Lunges are lower body workout set. It activates and trains the entire lower body parts, eg, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, etc.
  • Squats: These are also lower body workout set. Squat is a compound exercise as it activates and trains more than one different parts of the body. It greatly trains the lower body parts such as hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps, lower back, and abdominal area.
  • Deadlifts: Deadlifts are considered as the king of all compound exercises. It basically trains the entire back, collar, hamstrings, glutes. etc.
  • Skipping/Jumping ropes: It is a full body workout set. It trains the entire body at a time.
  • Rowing: Rowing is also a full body exercise. It trains the whole at a time including the back, arms, quadriceps, etc.
  • Circuit Training: Circuit Training is usually a training method. In this, we perform two or more exercises in a particular set. It is a combination of different exercises. We practice circuit training to achieve the highest failure. To use the maximum strength and energy for a period of time without taking any rest. 
Hence, in this article, I have explained about the anaerobic exercises. Its definition, the useful benefits of performing these exercises. And the list of some of the most effective anaerobic exercises.
Hope this article becomes useful to you. 

To know more about anaerobic exercises, you can go to the link: " Anaerobic exercises".

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Chest workout at home.

Chest workouts:

Chest workout at home is one of the best exercises for everyone. The chest is the major part that provides us with an extraordinary physique. It fills the t-shirt making us look great. And this can be only possible by performing chest workouts at home or at the gym, depends on you.
If you have problems accessing to a gym or joining a gym then also there is a solution. And maintaining a well-defined physique does not require a proper gym or a well-defined place. It just requires the determination and your eager want.
So, if you are facing problems in joining a gym. If you have no time to go to a gym. You have a very busy schedule. Or if you are a beginner and you are searching for bodybuilding tips. Then, I m here for you.
In this article, I am going to discuss the best chest workout at home.

Chest workouts without weights:

There is a large number of methods by which you can work out for your chest if you have no weights. If you are not interested in using weights. Here, I enlist the best chest workouts at home. If you practice these chest workouts honestly and consistently, it will bring you very good results.
The below workout plan is good for all, it can be good for beginners as well as intermediate.
The below workout plan activates and effects all the major parts of the chest.

Plane push-ups:
    Plane pushups are one of the most effective chest workouts in both gyms as well as home. It is the normal pushup which greatly affects the front portion and the middle portion of the chest. You can perform this on a plane floor by just contacting the palm (hand) and your foot to the floor. Plane push-ups activate the shoulders, the middle chest, triceps, core etc. This push up is very beneficial in strengthening the chest and in shaping it.

Incline pushups:
    These are also very important and effective sets for building a big and strong chest. Incline pushups can also be performed in the gym or at home. In the gym, you have benches which make it easier to perform these pushups. You can perform incline pushups at home also very easily. Just make the use of the wall or a sofa or a table in your home to perform incline pushups. Place your hand on the wall or the sofa or a table and the foot on the plane surface or floor. This pushup activates your lower chest regions, biceps, and shoulder.

Decline pushups: (for upper chest)
    To provide a very influensive look to your chest, working on the upper chest is the best idea. Decline pushups enable effective working on upper chest regions. These pushups are also very easy to perform but are very effective. So, how to perform? Its very simple. In this, the chest is lower in height than the legs and lower body parts. So, to perform this pushup you need to keep your lower body parts at a greater height than the chest. As I discussed in incline pushups, you can make the use of a sofa, a table or the wall in your home to achieve this setup. Just place your leg on the raised position and your hands on the surface or floor and perform the pushups. This pushup is greatly beneficial for the upper chest and shoulders.

Perform these sets in a consistent manner and you will be able to feel the results.

You can get vast knowledge about pull-ups by visiting the following site: ( push ups )

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Deadlift workout for beginners, importance, types and variations.

             First of all, if you don't have deadlift in your plan then you need to add it for sure. The reason why you need to add deadlifts into your plan, I m going to discuss it in this article.
                    If you want to add slabs of muscles in your body if you want to develop explosive strength and power to your body. And also if you want to develop an impressible physique. Then, performing deadlifts will bring you greater confidence.
                   Deadlifts are by virtue considered as the "Father of all strength building exercises". It is the most effective compound exercise for developing strength throughout the major body parts. Deadlifts add more mass to the body. It is also called by "The king of Mass Builders".
                     Deadlifts increase the upper body as well as lower body strength. It strengthens the lower back, glutes, abdominal region, etc.
The different reasons for performing deadlifts are :
- It requires minimum pieces of equipment. Just a rod and the number of plates according to weight is sufficient.
- Deadlifts provide stability to the upper regions of the body. It helps us to maintain proper posture. It enables straight back and a strong core.
- It is very useful in real life activities like lifting furniture, heavy bucket, etc. Deadlifts are very useful as it enables comfortable lifting of different things from the ground at any angle. It also helps in a decreased rate of injury during daily life activities.
- Deadlifts also help in developing gripping strength. Because holding the rod throughout the lift is an important factor in deadlifts. So, it strengthens the grip.
- It is the better and finest test check the overall strength of a person.

Types/ Variations of Deadlift:

There are various types of deadlifts according to their effectiveness and body part affected:

1.Sumo deadlifts: 

   In this type of deadlift, the feet are placed wider. The feet is placed usually wider than the shoulder, the grip is placed in the middle on the inner side of the legs. This type is very beneficial for developing strengths in beginner bodybuilders and also to a person suffering from back injury. No doubt, it is one of the best to develop overall strength. This type of deadlifts greatly affects the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

2.Romanian deadlifts:

   These are also known as stiffed legged deadlifts. In this type, the legs are usually stiffed narrower than any other types. Romanian deadlifts greatly affect the back of your legs and glutes. These deadlifts activate the Hamstrings and glutes. In this, you should not fold the legs throughout the set as this will decrease the involvement of hamstring.

3.Snatch grip deadlifts:

   The snatch grip deadlift is an Olympic exercise. In this, the grip is wide. You have to hold the rod wide and lift and the legs remaining neutral. Snatch grip deadlift greatly affects the upper back, glutes, hamstrings, forearms, etc.

4.Deficit deadlifts:

   In this type of deadlift, the only variation is that you have to place the legs on a raised position. The raised position can be on one or two plates and performing deadlift. You can keep the grip and placement of legs in a neutral position. It greatly affects the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, etc.

5.Chains and bands deadlifts:

   In this type of deadlifts, you just add more weight to the barbell with the help of chains and bands. This is useful in testing the strength when you have no plates left in the gym.

6.Zercher deadlifts:

  This is the special type of deadlift and is one of my favorites. Zercher deadlifts can be very useful when your partner is absent. This is also a very risky type of deadlift. To perform this, you should have strong forearms and back. And also I can say that it strengthens the forearms, entire back and also the lower body parts. This greatly affects and activates the traps, strengthen the abs, glutes, quads and also the biceps.
  In Zercher deadlifts, we place the barbell on our forearms and perform squats. I will deeply discuss this deadlift in my upcoming posts.

7.Hack Lift: 

  We can also call it as reverse deadlifts because in normal deadlifts the barbell is placed in front but in hack lift, the barbell is placed at the back. The placement of the legs and arm grip is normal. Hack lift greatly affects the quads and strengthen it.

8.Jefferson deadlift:

  This type of deadlift in a very risky one. So, it will be better to first learn the proper form then do this. Same way, it is also a very effective type and is very beneficial. Hence, performing this with the right form can benefit you greatly.

You can also get more information about deadlifts by clicking on this link ( deadlifts).

But, keep in mind the selection of a particular exercise or a variation or a type completely depends on your comfort. The exercise which suits the best is the best for you. The exercises which provide injuries to you should not be performed, in any case.

Friday, March 22, 2019


Performing drop sets is one of the most effective techniques to grow muscles. If you are suffering from undergrowth or you find difficulty in muscle growth, then drop set technique can solve your worry.

Drop sets can greatly improve muscle mass, muscle strength, muscle endurance and tasks of functionality. Drop set usage can also increase the hypertrophic response to resistance training.
Drop sets also help in breaking muscle fibres to a greater extent which can enhance muscle growth and development. It is usually performed on weight machines but can also be performed with dumbbells and free weights.

A drop set is usually performed in the last set of any exercise. For example, if you are doing bench press then the first three sets are done normally and the fourth set that is the last set is the drop set.

So, what we really do in a drop set? Normally, these are done in the last set. And also we usually perform the last set with the heaviest weight. Hence, in drop sets, we start with the heaviest weight and perform it until the failure. The failure can be in 4-6 reps or according to your ability. After this, without wasting any time, reduce the weight and continue to repeat till four subsets.
You can reduce the weight by 5-10 kg or 10-20 pounds in every turn.

For example, Let's assume you are performing the bench press.
In the first set, you did with 20kgs.
In the second set, you did with 40kgs.
In the third set, you did with 60 kgs.
Now finally, it is the last set. And in this, you are going to perform drop sets.
Let's assume that you performed 6 reps with 60kgs weight in the third set.
So, In the fourth set, you are going to start with the same weight.
-Perform the maximum number of reps with 60kgs.
- Quickly remove 10 kgs of total weight and start the repetitions to your maximum number of reps.
- Again, remove 10 kgs and repeat.

The drop set can consist of three subsets or four subsets according to your comfort.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Back workouts- List of best back workouts for men.

Back Workouts:
  Back workouts are one of my favorites which makes my worst days a successful one at last. These are also the best exercises to enhance your strength and endurance. The wider back gives you the monster physique. Back workouts also enhance or develop the strength for performing other exercises such as squats, etc. It enables us to achieve proper body structure and posture.

1. Back workout- PULL-UPS:
          Pull-ups are one of the best upper body compound exercises which majorly train the entire back, some parts of shoulders, forearms, chest, abdomens, etc. Pull-ups are one of the best exercises for strength development on the entire upper part.

2. Back Workout- LAT PULLDOWN:
           Lat pull downs are also the most effective back exercise to develop a wider and stronger back and lats.
Different lat pull down variations:

3. Back Workout- STANDING T-BAR ROWS:
                                       Standing t-bar row is one of the easiest and most effective back workouts which gives different muscle activation with a different variations. This set is usually done in just two variations if the grip is closed, it activates the middle or center back and if the grip is wide, it activates the lateral part of the back or the lats.

4. Back Workout-DEADLIFTS:
                           Deadlifts are the most effective exercises for strength development. It is a compound exercise and activates a large number of muscles at a time. While performing deadlifts entire back, hamstrings, arms, shoulders get activated. In simple words, it activates the entire major muscles of the body from lower to the upper. There are many variations in deadlifts. The entire back should be straight at any cause if not can cause a fatal injury. You can click on this to know more about deadlifts variations. ( deadlifts ).

                                           Bentover is also a very effective compound exercise that activates many muscles at a time. It mainly activates the entire back, arms, legs. It would be better if performed in the middle or at the starting time of your workout. It is very beneficial but with equal risk as the proper form for this set is very important and proper position of the lower back is very important. The entire back should be straight at any cost if not can cause fatal injury.

Lat pull down form, variations:

This exercise has many variations. Some of the most common and effective lat pull down variations are:

- Wide grip lat pull down: Wide grip is best in increasing the width of the back and for overall back strength.

- Behind the neck lat pull down: This set is most suited for those who have stronger shoulders and do not suffer with shoulder or neck injuries. This variation is performed by holding the rod and taking it to the back of the neck not too deep correspondingly squeezing and relaxing the entire back. This variation has more risk to injuries.

- V-bar pull down: This exercise usually trains the middle back or center of the back, still training your lats. This set is very useful in strength training.

- Reverse close grip lat pull down: In this, the lat pull down bar is hold with the palm finger grip facing you and close grip is best suited for this exercise. It is similar to how we grip in chin ups. This exercises activated the center of the back and lattissimus dorsi portions.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Chest workout: Best chest workout routine and exercises.

1. Barbell bench press for chest:
                      Bench press for chest has many variations concentrating and squeezing different regions of chest such as: Flat bench press for middle chest region, Incline bench press for upper chest region and Decline bench press for lower chest regions.

incline barbell bench press
decline barbell bench press

plane barbell bench press

2. Dumbbell press for chest:
                             Dumbbell press for chest also has many variations which includes working of upper, lower and middle chest same as barbell bench press. Plane bench dumbbell chest press for middle chest, Incline dumbbell chest press for upper chest and Decline dumbbell chest press for lower chest.

plane bench dumbbell chest press

incline bench dumbbell chest press
3. Machine butterfly for chest:
                                       It is a very useful exercise for chest as it provides proper shape to the chest. It increases your chest size and reduces the flabbiness. Butterfly machine focuses on almost every part of chest.
machine butterfly for chest

4. Weighted chest dips:

                                   It is the most killer exercise for chest. Most of the time the beginners, or who are not usually used to this exercise find it very difficult to perform. But this exercise is one of the most effective chest exercises and activates the side chest muscles.
weighted chest dips
5. Chest cable flys:

                                 This exercise is very beneficial in pumping your entire chest from every angle and range. Different angle of this sets emphasizes different parts of chest, that is, upper, middle and lower. The upward angle emphasizes the upper chest, the lower angle emphasizes the lower chest and middle angle emphasizes the middle chest.
chest cable fly

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Most of the latest gymmers and bodybuilders are very tensioned that they cannot feel/experience the growth or muscle gain in spite of continuously exercising and working out. So, what is the actual reason; it can be, they don't care proper form or they don't have muscle mind connection or not practicing progressive overload. Challenging yourself would be the most important key point in bodybuilding for progressive results.
One of the most common reason for not achieving good results is performing the same routine, same exercises and with same sets ,reps and volume everyday in the gym, is it not so boring. Most of the beginners fear lifting heavy or increasing the weight from which he had done last because of pain and uncomfortability during recovery period. When you fell pain remember you are progressing.

So, in this article I am going to discuss the most common mistake which decline the achievement of required result, that is, progressive overload.
Progressive overload is one of the most important technique which can be and is used to make better size gain and strength development. It is similar to challenging yourself with greater risk to your next level every time.

What is progressive overload?
This technique simply states that in order to make muscle gains and strength development just increase the work done by the muscles or make the particular muscles work harder than the last time. As human beings become harder and stronger by the experiences. These are also called resistance training.

Let's assume you are performing plane bench chest press and you lifted 20 kgs in your first set. Hence, your chest will grow to this extent and is capable of experiencing the muscle stress produced by this weight. So, know are you going to lift the same weight in the next set or what?
If you lift same weight, it becomes useless hence no gains. You need to lift heavier than the last sets and more heavier in the next set and correspondingly.
This is actually what is progressive overload or resistance training.

Progressive overload has many advantages including, proper muscle gains, strength development, fat loss, body shredding, etc.

Also see: