Actually supplement sellers make fake products for the profit for which they can make more money and you know the quality is gonna be low grade. So
1. Label and packaging: To make more money, fake supplement sellers don't care about the quality and packaging keeping the quality low. And you know that you could tell by looking at quality and packaging.
2. Content written on label: When you purchase the supplement checkout the label, you can check if there is any spelling mistakes . Fake seller sometime make spelling mistakes. For example, spelling mistake, hydrolised whey in place of hydrolyzed whey, makes you understand that the supplement is fake. As hydrolyzed is high quality protein which has a high biological value. So, you need to keep in mind and check the label and spellings because good companies and brands never make spelling mistakes.
3. Protection seal: This point is very important. Every supplements has two different kinds of protection seals, first outside the cover, means before opening the lid and second on top after opening the lid, not just cover there should be a proper seal, with protected "seal written" on it. So, make sure when you buy any supplement from the market it should be sealed. Company normally seals it to block the air and moisture. So, always buy supplements with proper seal.
5. Mixability: This is also easy for you to find the mixability because very few good products or brands has bad mix ability but their quality is really good but if we talk about major brands like dymatize, MusclePharm, MuscleTech, optimum Nutrition, BSN, etc. have very god mixability. If you are using your fav supplement from months or years and you know that its mix ability is good but when you purchase this time and its mix ability is not good it means there is something wrong with the supplement means the supplement could be fake. Because if it has clumps and not mixing well then it means it doesn't contain protein powder, it has soy powder or some other powder added by fake supplement seller so always check the mix ability.
6. Taste: Now this is very easy to judge it because you know your fav supplements's taste again if you are using the same supplement for last few months to years but if this times it tastes different that means that supplement is not good that supplement is fake because there is something added in it, and when someone add something in it then flavor will change. Fake supplement sellers mostly tap chocolate flavor because that is the most selling flavor in the market. So, you can change your flavor, you can get strawberry, vanilla, peanut butter and lot more. Try to change your flavor.
As i discussed about these points, now i will discuss about fake ingredients they put in the supplement:
Soybean powder: They mix soybean powder instead whey or mix half and half to make it fake. Eating too much soybeans increase estrogen level in your body. Estrogen is a female hormone. Male hormone is Testosterone and female hormone is estrogen so it means if female hormone estrogen increases in your body then you will have gyno problem which is a man boobs, in which fat surrounds lower part of chest muscle tissues because of lot of estrogen lev
el in your body. Excess amount of estrogen reduces male hormone and you will have sexual dysfunction problem as well. So your chances of estrogen and sexual dysfunction are more in fake supplements. So, be careful.
So, next time when you purchase a supplement keep in mind all the above points i have explained. Always get a receipt while purchasing a supplement because if supplement is fake but receipt and bill won't be fake. Sellers who sell fake supplements won't give you a bill or receipt.
Always purchase the supplement from good store and ask for the bill.
I am not creating fear in your mind about the fake supplements I am educating you, so next time you buy your supplement, when you spend large amount on purchasing a supplement you should know that you have purchased fake supplement or original.
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