They don't see the ten plus years of work put by the bodybuilders into physique and developing strength. They don't see the bulging discs or the torn pecs. They don't see the spending of his late teens and all his twenties in the gym without enjoying and partying and never, ever stopping. I think many of the top bodybuilders and generally successful people out there are the same way.
The success specially in bodybuilding completely depends on the secret i.e time and consistency.
Achieving goals does not occurs at once,it happens in ascending layers of time, ambitious and ease of achievement.
Where other people encounter setbacks and stop going to the gym, or hit plateaus and get discourage, these individuals break down all barriers- mental and physical-and keep pushing through.
"A goal properly set is halfway reached," says author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar. This is the system that has worked for many of the top bodybuilders for their lifetime success.
Setting goals can be categorized into further divisions:
1. Very short term goals.
2. Short term goals.
3. Long term goals.
1. VERY SHORT TERM GOALS/ EVERYDAY GOALS: Very short goals are also called microgoals. Microgoals don't have to be so huge. They should be small because you are going to bust out hundreds or even thousands of them in pursuit of your long term goals. Microgoals can be as simple as "go to the gym and get my squat workout done" or "prep food for the week". They are not sexy, but they are crucial. Think of it this way: Whatever your long term goal is, your short term goal should act as a scaffold for that, and your microgoals should act as a scaffold for those. They all build on each other. When you are looking at your long-term goal, ask yourself, "What do i have to do every single day to get myself closer to that?"
2. SHORT TERM GOALS: Short-term goals should be achievements you can reasonably accomplish within a few months. Continually hitting these short-term goals will build your confidence and help you stay motivated so that you realize that progress is being made, even though your long-term goal may still be a ways off. For example: You made a short term goal i.e to be successfully able to do 'muscle up' with very ease after the completion of one month.
3. LONG TERM GOALS: Long term goals are the goals which are to be accomplished in one year or more. The easiest kind of goal to set is a long-term goal. It may be "I want to win my pro card" or "I just want to be 180 pounds with abs". Whatever it is, a long term goal is probably something at least 1-10 years away. You should really have to work for it. One thing it is most definitely not is an ultimate goal, because once achieved, it almost always shows you other new long term goals. For example, for beginners of age 17 it can be to win a teen show, which is possible in one or two years.
The best way to make your goals provide results and dynamize it is to write down the goals in paper instead of only storing it in mind. Putting your goals on paper gives them power and will help give yo u reasons to stay focused when the hard times comes. Because make no mistake, they are going to come. Anyone can have big goals, but you have to know why you want that goal and spend plenty of time fixating on a regular basis. What are your reasons for it? why will you be different? Your reasons will be what get you through the frustration.
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