So, if you really want to build muscles, become stronger and develop an outstanding physique, you for sure need to maintain a proper diet and required nutrients intake.
As the topic is about taking supplements is good or bad for beginners, i would say it is neither good nor bad it completely depends on the situation.
I would first state that according to the traditional beliefs natural diet is the best diet for bodybuilding as it keeps the body natural internally. Supplements are usually the new generation fancies just to build a new market. If you have a proper natural diet available which provides you with all the must required nutrients for bodybuilding then natural foods and diet is best. As far as concerned natural diet must contain following nutrients and with proper amounts:
-Calories and proteins which are building blocks.
-Carbohydrates, most important for energy production.
- Iron, which supplies oxygen and increases blood volume in human body.
-Calcium for skeleton and growth of bones.
-Zinc for metabolic reactions essential for growth.
-Omega 3 important for nervous system development.
These above nutrients are must needed to be included in the regular diet.
And for supplements, I would say it is very good for bodybuilding as in case if you are not able to provide enough nutrients to your body, then it serves as an intake which can make up your incomplete diet and help you in proper growth and development of body.
So, for beginners the most important supplements, if you are underweight and you want to do muscle building and development; are:
- WHEY PROTEIN: These are very helpful in building muscles and getting recovered after a heavy workout. It provides you with all the required nutrients like carbohydrates, vitamins and calcium. Isolated whey protein can be more beneficial. It should usually taken post workout or after the workout and can also be taken with milk if you are underweight. Make sure you take it sufficiently.
- MULTI-VITAMINS : These are most important supplements for bodybuilding. It should be taken with breakfast. These are useful in many forms as it helps in protection from diseases and ultimately helps in growth and development of body.
-OMEGA 3 : It is also the most important nutrients for our body. It is very helpful for heart and brain. Fish oil is the best example for omega 3. It should be taken during dinner.
And, finally overdose of anything can be risky and harmful.
So ,these were the supplements that should be taken by beginners and is beneficial.
Lastly, be careful of the frauds made in the markets, better review the quality of the supplements before using them or concern a experienced coach for supplements.
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