Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Home workouts for beginners or gym workout?

Fitness is not just limited to a certain limitations, it is a lifestyle. It is not mandatory that fitness can only be achieved or visualized in a modern gym. Gym is a good medium or platform but it is just the development form to match the modern world standards. As far as fitness is concerned it can be achieved anywhere and there are unlimited ways to do that.

So, home workout is one of the most common workout and is practiced by a large number of people according to their priorities and situation. Home workout is the simplest method to maintain your fitness level. It is the process in which we don't use any particular machines for exercises. We don't need any personal trainers and we have certain simple and effective exercises which can be easily performed to maintain our body at home, and also can be performed anywhere. So, there is no requirement to go to gym everyday. It is the best method to remain fit especially for those who have a very busy life schedule and cannot make time to hit the gym daily. The exercises for home workouts consists of fundamental exercises which concentrates on almost every major parts of body and can be performed just by using your own body weight. Home workout becomes more interesting by using common sense and developing an exercise according to your comfort, for example, doing chin ups at home on a water supplying pipe or curtain hangers, but to hit the chin ups set to failure you use a school bag on your back with some stuffs in it making it heavier can be compared to same as doing chin ups in the gym with weights tied up on your legs by the chain through your waist as a failure set. Hence, workout is an interesting type of workout. I would also like to provide you with some common exercises which can be performed at home easily and effectively. They are: wide grip chin ups, close grip with reverse fist pull ups for back and arms; dips, neutral push ups for chest, shoulders and core; close grip push up and dips for biceps and triceps. Abs workout can easily be performed at home as training abs rarely requires any machines. Crunches, leg raises, reverses crunches, planks, etc can be easily performed at home and these are the most common and effective exercises for abs.
Hence, home workouts can be very beneficial for maintaining a proper figure and physique.
There are many limitations for home workers as training at home is not sufficient for professional bodybuilders. Home workouts are not supportive for ultimate or experienced bodybuilders. It is useful in training major parts but not the each and every body parts. It does not help raise your potential and increase your strength intensely. It does not allow fat loss to the highest.

Whereas for GYM WORKOUT, it is entirely different as it provides an organised environment with similar tastes and interests. We get well organised machines and facilities to carry out our bodybuilding goals smoothly. It supports each and every requirements of professional bodybuilders. It makes us achieve our goals and dreams very easily. It provides us with educated trainers and coach which makes our journey under righteous guidance. It can be risk free if under guidance of a coach. It makes us achieve explosive strength and achieve an ultimate physique and fitness level which is very difficult in home workout. Most importantly, it provides us several opportunities to make bodybuilding as a career.
In gym we need to pay certain investment as financial fees and fees for the trainer but we don't need to pay any fees in home workouts as this is all according to our will.
One can opt for gym only if he can manage some extra hours from his day which he can spend in gym working out.

Finally, the gym workout is best as it provides you with already available tools for building up and working out but in home workout, every time, you need to setup the tools and also, loneliness for sure brings laziness.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Before taking a life changing decision it becomes a mandatory to figure out the pros and cons of the thing you are going to start. So, if you are going to start a gymming or working out or if you are going to join a gym you should be very well aware about the advantages and disadvantages of working out. So, i present you a prepared article for brief knowledge of pros and cons of bodybuilding.

- First of all, it makes you a disciplined, punctual and moral citizen of the country.
- All of us know that working out makes your life healthier and fit. Working out makes you a strong person. I would also say that if someone decides to start his bodybuilding or working out journey, it could be one the best life changing decision in his entire life. Although the path through this decision is not so easy but if someone remain passionate it can provide him something better in his life.
- Bodybuilding also helps you remain slim and fit throughout your life if made a part of life. As a result, prevents suffering from major problems like diabetes, blood pressure problems, etc.
- It can also provide you with a career which can make your every dreams come true.
- It promotes positivism in the mind as when a person is in the gym he remains with person who have same mindsets and they share same interests, which ultimately makes the session more interesting and enjoyable and also enhances the probability of outcomes.
- Exercises including cardio and fat burning exercises enhances the concentration power of a person. Also a morning workout makes the whole day positive, and the evening workout makes us free of our whole day stress and tensions.
- Certain training in bodybuilding also increases our flexibility and adaptation capability. Develops warmth in our body and to some extent provides sustainability to lower temperature conditions.

- Opting for bodybuilding seems expensive to most people who have less income source.
- There can be a lack of knowledgeable trainers for better training. Most of the traditional gym does not have experienced trainers.
- Bodybuilding is purely for hard workers and the person who don't suffer excusitis(a disease of making excuses always). As these person can never achieve their goals as a result they leave working out after sometime. They say "it sucks".
- Most of the gyms remain unhygienic as they fail to maintain the standards.
- Many a times, the gym remain very crowded, for example, on the chest days gym remain over crowded and on leg days gym remain all empty and free.
- Maintaining a restricted and a proper diet plan is very difficult for average persons.
- It provides pain which is irresistible in the beginning but becomes the strength after some time. The person who cannot resist the pain leaves the gym which is a disadvantage. Since, serious workout sessions are very painful..

So, these are some advantages and disadvantages of bodybuilding.

Best of luck.

Monday, October 29, 2018


The most common doubt in beginner and fresher bodybuilder, especially when they are about to start their fitness journey is in how many days they can develop and get a ripped six pack abs. In how many days he can transform his body like fitness models.

There are many questions which arises in mind of youngsters when they are going to start their fitness journey so, i am here to clear all your doubts and questions, please comment if you have any questions or queries regarding beginner bodybuilding.

So, discussing about the active question, that is, how much time is normally required to work out a ripped six packs abs.
According to the studies, the clear cut visibility of abs in particular time really depends on the hard work you perform and how disciplined you remain throughout the training program.

First of all, the time which would be required greatly depends upon your body fat percentage, that is, if you have more body fat content, it takes longer period for abs visibility and if you lower body fat percentage, a considerably less time is required.

Secondly, hard work is most important especially when you have higher body fat percentage. Hard work in the context that how much are you dedicated and what seriousness you show to your training program. It also means to what extent you go for failure sets and how much you practice pain throughout the workout.

The most importantly you need to control your foods intake, that is, taking too much fats can provide no results instead of very hard work. So, you need to take healthy and clean fats with proper amount of protein, as protein helps in muscle development and reducing some amount of fats. You need to seriously control the nutrients intake according to your body fat percentage, whatever be your body fat percentage but 11 to 12 percent of body fat is favorable for getting a good packs. Too much carbohydrates is very bad for fat loss as well as for building six packs abs. Hence, without dropping body fat you cannot develop a better abs.

Actually, the time required for developing a better six packs abs completely depends on you. If you remain dedicated, hard working and disciplined you can achieve it in very less amount. And I tell you the abdomen part requires the greatest hard work but if the person is disciplined he can achieve it with ease. Dedicated means he remains regular to the gym throughout the training period and disciplined means he strictly follow his diet plan and does not take anything which would provide negative results, throughout his training session.

Hence, normally average time required for developing a better visible six packs abs is 12 to 15 months for a person of any body fat percentage depending on the time required to achieve the average body fat percentage of 12-15.

good luck......

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Frequently asked questions about protein....

Hence, I present to you the questions with answers which are frequently asked to me on proteins and nutrients intake.

Hope this may help you in getting clear knowledge about protein..

- Protein helps in preserving lean mass. It provides more satiety, mood and more energy expenditure during a calorie restriction phase.

-No it wont. Protein does not make anyone fat but taking too many overall calories will do that. But, keep in mind that most of us confuse between taking too many carbohydrates and protein. As too many carbohydrates results in accumulation of unfavorable fats in body.

- 1.0-1.4 grams per pound of body weight (overall mass). For obese individuals you can use estimate lean body mass to prevent over consumption. Actually the intake of protein depends on physical health of the person. It depends on the overall body mass of a person.

- You cannot, you will lose some muscle. You can limit how much you lose with proper protein consumption and training. If you train excess but with with less nutrients intake, it may possibly result in loosing muscles to some extent. But proper workout with required amount of nutrients can provide expected results.

- Having a limit while dieting is important, as it accounts for overall calories, number one contributor to fat loss. But if you are just concerned with bulking up anyhow, you may have any limit. But, limitation should be there.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Cardio training and circuit training are the two most important types of training for fat burning. Cardio training basically concentrates on fat burning and loosing weight whereas circuit training includes explosive fat burning and and strength development at the same time.

Cardio machines consist
of one repetitive movement whereas circuit training consists of many movements combined together.

In cardio machines body can adapt easily as less energy is required and less calories are burned whereas circuit training is hard to adapt and it results in more calorie burn.

A very few muscles is engaged and with very low load lifts is practiced in cardio training whereas in circuit training, full body is engaged and with heavier loads is done.

Cardio training lowers metabolism and circuit training increases metabolism.

In cardio training we have very less variety of exercises whereas in circuit training we have endless variety of exercises.

Both the type of training can be incorporated during strength, hypertrophy and fat loss phase.

Cardio machines have their times and purpose, but in terms of efficiency and benefits, the scale tips heavily towards circuit training.
Some benefits of circuit training include:

- More movements=better movements=better mobility
- Endless possibilities to exercise variations, structure, programming and sequencing.
- Not getting bored with similar movements all the time.
- Engages more muscle throughout the workout. Can be done anywhere, park, home,etc.
- Minimal equipment required.
- If done at the gym, can be utilized with isolation machines.
- The benefits are endless, if you want to burn calories, don't just sit there and peddle away.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The two most important phase in bodybuilding: Bulking phase and cutting phase!

Most of you would have heard about these two phases: the bulking phase and cutting phase. These are the first question every person has to decide before hitting the gym. As this makes you clear about your goal that is, either you want to add mass or become leaner...
What bulking up really means? It actually means increasing muscle muscle without getting too much fats. And for cutting phase it actually means getting rid of maximum fats but without loosing muscles.

Here are some important points to keep in mind during bulking phase and cutting phase.

A basic recommendation is bulking for a few months and then cutting until you get rid of all the fat from the bulking phase, can bring better results.

-Eat a diet consisting of clean foods and complex carbs-eating a meal every 3-4 hours.
-Avoid cheating and overeating
-Eat meals with balanced amounts of protein, carbs, and fats.
-Eat five meals a day.
-Monitor your strength training to know if you are improving- lift a little extra weight each week.

-Eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
-Cut out carbs.
-Eat less calories than you need.
-Do harder and longer cardiovascular workouts.
-Avoid loosing weight too quickly-aim for small but consistent weight losses. If you notice that the amount of weight you can lift is going down then increase your nutrient intake a little as you are losing muscle-the opposite of what you want to do.

These are simple ideas about bulking and cutting phases which could be very important for those who are preparing for their training programs.

Friday, October 19, 2018

benefits of bulking phase and cutting phase!!!!

If you are a beginner then this is the most important article for you. Cause as a beginner you would have certain reasons to hit a gym and a proper plan in accordance to the reasons. Some of you would be planning for bulking phase and others for cutting phase. By the way, do you know bulking phase or cutting phase, i explain you bulking phase is one in which the person basically focus on building muscles and gaining weight while in cutting phase the person usually focus on weight loss, burning fats and getting ripped. So, its on you which one prefer. And on what accounts you make your choice depends on the knowledge you have about both the phases and you have knowledge when you know the pros and cons of both the phases.

So, i present to you the most important benefits of the bulking phase and the cutting phase.....

- Helps in burning more calories at rest.
- Enables mental and physical break from low calories. A person who is practicing a diet deficit can have a break from continuity and be in better intake.
- Helps in being stronger and developing more energy. As bulking phase includes training which consists of lifting heavy weights with low reps, it enables strength building.
- Helps in efficiently building more muscles and developing strength.

- Helps in maintaining low body fat. As cutting phase includes diet deficit program and usually includes lighter weights with higher reps training and also more cardio being practiced so it enables decrease in body fat.
- The phase tests you mentally. When you are opting for cutting phase, be ready to deal with hunger as it needs a person to be hungry for some time, to do less intake of foods; to enable fat loss. A person who used to eat according to his will earlier, it would be difficult for them.
- Helps in efficiently burning body fat.
- Provides leaner and meaner look. As you know, a person with six packs abs and with beautiful cuts are more liked by the girls..

Finally, eating to lose weight and eating to gain muscle is very different and both have their pros and cons. Therefore, splitting it into phases and accomplishing the purpose of each phase one by one is going to be the most time efficient method for a lean
muscular physique.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


There are rich sources on internet which provides you the solution to decrease your body weight or fat percentage. But very less articles provides you any better knowledge on how to loose your love handles and the fat near it. So, i prepare you an article on how to loose your love handles..
Love handles are the fats that are settled near the lower back and above the upper butts.

These are not usually prior part to everyone but it is a very essential part to be trained seriously as it adds beauty and cool look to the back portion.
So, here i provide you the simple and effective solution to reduce and lose love handles:....

Usually, in order to loose weight or burn fat, most of us practice performing too much cardio which is not so good for muscle gaining. In the case of excess cardio one looses fat but he ends up with skinny fat. So, excess cardio is not required but moderate cardio with resistance training would be great..
Moderate cardio with resistance training greatly helps in achieving tight look. It also helps in building the core and those nice obliques.

Performing too much cardio does not provide expected leading to skinny fat. Crash dieting with very low calories is also bad for losing fat because dieting too much will not provide essential nutrients to the body. 

now, resistance training along with cardio to push the deficit is best for losing love handles as resistance training helps in maintaining and developing muscles and cardio helps in body fat control.

A aggressive yet not detrimental deficit is good for losing love handles.

The most important points for effective love handles training is tracking of calories and macro nutrients, one needs to regularly track his intakes and nutrients to effectively enjoy his training programs... Staying consistent to the plan whatever may be the plan, is the key factor in getting success in bodybuilding or weight losing. In addition to all the above tips, drinking large amount of water can also add to your better results.

Later, i would also be providing the most effective exercises to lose love handles!!

So, best of luck....

Saturday, October 13, 2018

most effective muscle split training for beginners!!

Usually, most of the beginners have a large number of doubts in their mind that basically which split training should be best for their initial results..

So, if you are a beginner, you can take advantages of the first year of growth with very minimal days at the gym and focusing on compound movements. These first years you should be just focused on getting stronger at the bench press, squats and dead lifts. No need to over complicate things when you can make phenomenal changes in a very short time with three full body workouts.

Hence, your training days should consist of the following:

MONDAY-     full body
WEDNESDAY- Full body
FRIDAY-  Full body

Three days a week of workout enables you to provide proper rest which is very important for initial growth of your body.Full body means training every major part of your body on a single day. These are all enough volume to hit all the muscles group and with a great progressive overloading program and the right macros in place in your diet, these are going to produce better results..

Have a great day...

MONSTER MODE: How to bulk as monster??

Monster mode, what the first image comes into your mind- could be a big creature with heavy muscles cutting out of his body.. yes i am going to talk about the same image that you have imagined, and it is possible!
Its difficult but it is possible.It requires discipline and patience and it is possible to be achieved...

Here i present to you some not very uncommon but simple and most effective knowledge on how to bulk..

First of all, one needs to be very clear that what bulking actually means.. As, bulking in not just going to gym, working hard, eating whatever may be.
Bulking actually means converting a skinny or chubby person into a personality with muscles abundance and beautiful muscular cuts.

Now talking about the normal person, what do they do, they do not focus on tracking workouts or calorie intake. They really don't take the records , their performances of their workouts in gym; they just go to gym, workout very harder and thinks that its that or its over, but its not done. And these are the ones who says that their is no result after working so hard. They are not really interested in chasing pumps, chasing soreness, they do little rest and recovery. Hence, there results remains negligible. They also remain impatient throughout the training.  And you know that patience is the key factor in body building. They tend to rush the process or the sets, and do not focus on muscle mind connection that is, they do not follow slow movements which may lead to more effective muscle engagement. Some are also involved in chasing unrealistic goals that is they develop a goal which is not real, for example, a goal to be the hulk, which is unrealistic. So, these are the regular habits of a bodybuilder who is not been educated or is less knowledgeable, by some reasons, I don't say this is wrong but it is all natural to all of us in the beginning. So, it does not matter a lot what you are used to be till now, and now it is the most right time to make changes.

Now talking about the habits to be practiced for real bulking. One needs to be consistent with workouts and be continuous with what sets of exercises you do, no matter which exercises you do. And doing that particular exercise with proper form is very important. One also needs to do macro/calorie tracking, that is, he should have calculated amount of calories and other macro nutrients  for growth and development. Now the most important point is optimizing rest and recovery, he needs proper hours of sleep and resting period for muscle recovery. One needs to be focused on programmed reps and sets. As discussed in above section, he needs to keep the survey and records of his performance and exercises with reps and sets. It makes him clear about the reason that why he lacks results. Most importantly, he needs to patient, consistent and has realistic goals to be achieved.

Now i thank you are more clear and excited about your goals and how to achieve them.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

most valuable tips for building muscles?

The most common goals for bodybuilders is building muscles, and imagine if in spite of working you don't get results. So, here i provide you with most basic and most important tips for building muscles efficiently and achieving your goals quickly.

First of all, the most important tip is that the muscle building is directly proportional to rest and diet, but most primarily the work.
No matter the way you exercise or work, without proper rest and diet it is useless. As the broken and damaged muscle fibres or tissues is only repaired and developed when our body is in complete rest for proper duration. Usually for a regular bodybuilder eight to ten hours of sleep is very important for repair and development of damaged muscles and tissues.

Now talking about training tips, heavy weight training with  eight to ten repetitions per set would be best for muscle building and proper muscle training. As heavy weight training includes short time muscle engagement and maximum working of muscles occur in a single set as we go for failures in this type of training.
We perform normal cutting phase in muscle building process as it helps in bulking. The cutting phase is a term to describe the period of dieting which is basically done when we are preparing for competition or when our goal is weight loss. Since muscle building requires more calories we need proper body fat for it hence, normal cutting phase is followed. In simple words, we don't need proper diet maintenance in muscle building or bulking phase. In this phase we need more calories intake and normal body fat percentage. Extended cutting phase practice can lead to weight loss which is not good for muscle building or bulking.
A short but intense cardio session is highly beneficial in muscle building, because excessive cardio to some extent may lead to muscle loss or excess
energy loss.
        BEST OF LUCK..

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

split workout training guide......

Split training usually consists of training a particular part of body on a single day,
It is entirely different from mix workout as mix workout consists of training the entire body on a single day.
Today, due to lack of  time to common people, split training is preferred the most.
So, in this article I am going to share a brief idea about split training, which is according to my studies on this topic.
Split training usually consists of four to five days of workout in a week in which each day consists of training a single major part of body.
In this training plan, we have to concentrate on two major body parts, that is, upper body part and lower body part.
The plan consists of four days of workout in a week. I would also be providing many more split training plans with different workouts, in the coming days. Most of the exercises which i have included in the are compound exercises. 

MONDAY           -  REST
TUESDAY          -  UPPER BODY   
FRIDAY              -UPPER BODY
SUNDAY           - REST

So, according to the above plan we have four working days and three resting days which is very sufficient for proper growth, repair and development of body, as we know that resting is the key factor for growth of body and muscles.

Now, with the working days I have also already planned exercises to be performed during that particular day:

Bench press, lat pull downs, pull-ups, incline dumbbell/barbell press, horizontal nautilus pull, triceps push-downs, bicep curls, chest flys/face pulls.

Barbell squats, stiff legs, lunges, seated calf raises, standing calf raises, leg extensions/seated hamstring curl, hanging ab leg raises.

Overhead press, pend-lay row or barbell row, flat dumbbell press, lat pull down, triceps overhead press, biceps barbell curl, lateral raises, chest flys/face pulls.

Conventional dead-lifts, front squats/leg press, lunges, seated calf raise, leg extensions/lying hamstring curl, standing calf raises, hanging ab leg raises.

These four days in a week covers all the major body parts and been trained twice a week.
            So, best of luck!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2018

High reps with lighter weights vs low reps with heavy weights. Which one is better?

One who have studied or understands  human bio-mechanics can easily explain the concerned topic that is what should be preferred between light weights with high numbers of reps or heavy weights with low reps.
First of all, discussing about light weight with high reps, it consists of repetitive actions that means we perform a particular exercise or set with a increased number of repetitions and keeping weights lighter. Hence performing this type of training leads to increase in repetitive strength, for the works in which we perform repetitive processes or actions. It consists of 12 to 20 reps in a single set. This type of training is highly beneficial for athletes, runners , etc. In light weight with high reps training our strength increases but our maximum strength cannot be identified. It also results in certain change in muscle fibres.
Secondly, if we talk about training which includes heavy weights with low reps, it includes lifting of heavy loads with an average repetitions of around 6 to 10 reps in a single set. It involves short time muscle engagement and is beneficial for works which promotes short time use of muscle but includes full strength, for example, sprinters. Heavy weight low reps training helps in increasing the buffering capacity of a person. It also helps in increasing the ion transport system in human body.
Now, it depends on your goal, which type should be preferred. 
If your goal is fat loss and strength development then mix up of both would be very useful.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Most valuable tips for beginner bodybuilders!

These are most valuable tips a beginner should care of before starting his journey. And these tips also holds the power to bring about massive changes to you.....
First of all , one needs to know himself that what is his body conditions at present. He needs to conduct a survey of his body, for example, what is his overall body weight, are you a regular physical worker or do you perform any exercises as daily routine (which can be cycling, running, playing sports or any other like this), what is your height, what is your fat percentage (you should check that are you overweight or underweight or you are normal).
If you are really serious about your fitness then surveying on yourself would be the best initiative you can do before hitting the gym!
He needs to be clear why he is starting and what he wants out of it .
He should have already decided goals as the goals are the motivating factors of a person and it acts as driving force which really results in massive results. 
He should also be clear about how much time a day he is going to invest as his working out session because deciding the workout sessions also depends on the time you can invest in training as this generation has no time, they are very busy.
And if a person really follows the above information can bring out rewarding and massive results.

The above information are according to the experts advice!! 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

In how many days i can reduce my body weight?

The body weight actually depends on one's muscle-fat content, bone density, height and age.
According to experts the overall body weight is calculated according to the height of a person.
hence the following table represents the body weight according to the person's height.
 4 ft 10''                    41 TO 52 kgs
4 ft 11"                     42 to  53 kgs
5 ft                           43 to  55 kgs
5 ft 1"                        45 to 57 kgs
5 ft 2"                       47 to 59 kgs                              
5 ft 3"                        48 to 61 kgs
5 ft 4"                        49 to 63 kgs
5 ft 5"                        51 to 65 kgs
5 ft 6"                        53 to 67 kgs
5 ft 7"                        54 to 69 kgs 
5 ft 8"                        56 to  71 kgs
5 ft 9"                        58 to 73 kgs
5 ft 10"                      59 to 75 kgs
5 ft 11"                      61 to 78 kgs
6 ft                             63 to 80 kgs
6 ft 1"                        65 to 82 kgs
6 ft 2"                         67 to 84 kgs
6 ft 3"                         68 to 87 kgs
6 ft 4"                         70 to 89 kgs

The above given information are the normal body weight of a person with a particular height.
So, if the weight of a person according to their height is other than the given limit then he needs to be aware or do some exercises.
And now a days most of the person have overweight problems. so, if the normal weight exceeds the given limit, one finds it difficult in renormalising his body weight so he needs to do some home based exercises or hit the gym!
And coming to the question that in how many days i can reduce my body weight, I suggest reducing the body weight consists of strict discipline, consistent diet and workout plan, and one needs to have patience.
The days required for body weight reduction may be 2 kgs in one week for regular and experienced gymmers, it may be 2 kgs in month for beginners, or 5 kgs in 3 months. Actually it can take any longer durations as it wholly depends on the person that how much he is dedicated and what seriousness he expresses. Throughout that training program one needs to take a serious care on his diets, he needs to avoid all the junk foods he used to take in normal life. The diet should consist of quality over quantity. One needs to take not large amount but just a considerable amount of food which would just recover the important nutrients required by the body, for example:egg whites, salads, boiled potatoes, boiled chicken, leafy greens etc.

According to the experts and trainers (for moderate/average conditions) 3 months which means around 90 days, with proper diet plan and workout plan followed in a very civilized and disciplined manner, is sufficient for fat loss and maintaining the body weight