Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The two most important phase in bodybuilding: Bulking phase and cutting phase!

Most of you would have heard about these two phases: the bulking phase and cutting phase. These are the first question every person has to decide before hitting the gym. As this makes you clear about your goal that is, either you want to add mass or become leaner...
What bulking up really means? It actually means increasing muscle muscle without getting too much fats. And for cutting phase it actually means getting rid of maximum fats but without loosing muscles.

Here are some important points to keep in mind during bulking phase and cutting phase.

A basic recommendation is bulking for a few months and then cutting until you get rid of all the fat from the bulking phase, can bring better results.

-Eat a diet consisting of clean foods and complex carbs-eating a meal every 3-4 hours.
-Avoid cheating and overeating
-Eat meals with balanced amounts of protein, carbs, and fats.
-Eat five meals a day.
-Monitor your strength training to know if you are improving- lift a little extra weight each week.

-Eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
-Cut out carbs.
-Eat less calories than you need.
-Do harder and longer cardiovascular workouts.
-Avoid loosing weight too quickly-aim for small but consistent weight losses. If you notice that the amount of weight you can lift is going down then increase your nutrient intake a little as you are losing muscle-the opposite of what you want to do.

These are simple ideas about bulking and cutting phases which could be very important for those who are preparing for their training programs.

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